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How to Use Ignite to Create a Rollkit App

This guide will walk you through the process of using Ignite to create a Rollkit app.

Install Ignite

You can read more about Ignite here.

To install Ignite, you can run this command in your terminal:

curl[email protected]! | bash

Once Ignite is installed, scaffold a new blockchain with the following command:

ignite scaffold chain gm --address-prefix gm --minimal --skip-proto

This will create the gm blockchain. Navigate to the blockchain directory:

cd gm

Run a local Data Availability (DA) node

First, set up a local data availability network node:

cd $HOME && curl -sSL | sh -s v0.3.1

This script builds and runs a DA node, which will listen on port 7980.

Install Ignite App Rollkit

In a new terminal window, you'll now install and run the Ignite App Rollkit.

Run the following command to install the Rollkit App:

ignite app install

This installs the Rollkit application, which will be integrated into your blockchain.

Add Rollkit Features

Enhance your blockchain by adding Rollkit features. Use the following command:

ignite rollkit add

Initialize Your Blockchain

Before starting your blockchain, you need to initialize it with Rollkit support. Initialize the blockchain with Local DA as follows:

ignite rollkit init --local-da

Initialize Rollkit CLI Configuration

To initialize the Rollkit CLI configuration, generate the rollkit.toml file by running the following command:

rollkit toml init

This will set up the Rollkit configuration file rollkit.toml, allowing you to use the Rollkit CLI for managing and running your blockchain.

Start Your Rollup

Finally, start your rollup (blockchain) using the following command:

rollkit start --rollkit.aggregator --rollkit.da_address http://localhost:7980

Your rollkit app is now up and running.


By following these steps, you've successfully installed Ignite, set up Local DA, integrated Rollkit features into your blockchain, and configured the Rollkit CLI.

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