IBC connection tutorial
In this tutorial, we'll learn how to use an Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) Protocol relayer to create an IBC connection between a GM world rollup and an Osmosis local testnet.
This initial version of IBC has high trust assumptions where receiving chains only verify the signature of the single rollup node. For use in production, it's recommended to wait for trust-minimized IBC support which includes state proofs and conditional clients. Learn more about how conditional clients work in ibc-go issue 5112 and a tracking issue for state proofs in rollkit issue 1632.
💻 Pre-requisites
Software requirements
- Docker running on your machine
- Go version ≥ 1.21.0
- Ignite version ≥ v28.2.0
Run a GM rollup chain
Before you can create an IBC connection, you need to start a local-celestia-devnet instance in a separate terminal:
docker run -t -i --platform linux/amd64 -p 26657:26657 -p 26658:26658 -p 26659:26659 -p 9090:9090 ghcr.io/rollkit/local-celestia-devnet:v0.13.1
You will need to use Ignite v28.2.0, which you can install with:
curl https://get.ignite.com/[email protected]! | bash
Scaffold the GM chain:
cd $HOME
ignite scaffold chain gm --address-prefix gm
Change into the gm
directory and install Rollkit with IBC compatibility:
cd gm
go mod edit -replace github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk=github.com/rollkit/[email protected]
go mod tidy
go mod download
Now download the script to run the GM chain:
wget https://rollkit.dev/gm/init-local.sh
Run the GM rollup:
bash init-local.sh
Run your local-osmosis-testnet
Install Osmosis binary
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/osmosis-labs/osmosis
cd osmosis
git checkout v21.0.1
make install
Run local-osmosis-testnet
You also need to start local-osmosis-testnet in a separate terminal by downloading and running this script:
wget https://rollkit.dev/ibc/init-osmosis-local.sh
Run the script:
bash init-osmosis-local.sh
This will start your local Osmosis testnet, we'll create IBC connection between this testnet and GM chain in the next step.
NOTE: Here, the key's name from
but you can modify this script to change the name of your key.
We're using the --rpc.addr [ip:port]
flag to point to port 46657, which is the custom port to avoid conflicts with other running chains.
The following private key has funds on your Osmosis chain:
Keyname: osmosis-relay
Address: osmo1vvl79phavqruppr6f5zy4ypxy7znshrqm390ll
Mnemonic: "milk verify alley price trust come maple will suit hood clay exotic"
The following private key has funds on your GM rollup chain:
Keyname: gm-relay
Address: gm1vvl79phavqruppr6f5zy4ypxy7znshrqam48qy
Mnemonic: "milk verify alley price trust come maple will suit hood clay exotic"
Setup relayer, create IBC connection and start relaying packets
A relayer is like a middleman for blockchains in the IBC protocol. Instead of directly talking to each other, blockchains communicate through relayers. These relayers keep an eye on the paths that are open between different blockchains. When there's something new or changed, the relayer makes sure the message gets sent to the right place on the other blockchain.
Apart from just passing messages, a relayer can also set up new paths between blockchains. This involves creating clients, connections, and channels, which are like communication channels between the blockchains. So, in simpler terms, a relayer makes sure blockchains can talk to each other smoothly.
Install relayer
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/cosmos/relayer
cd relayer
git checkout v2.4.2
make install
Verify your rly version with rly version
rly version
It should return:
version: 2.4.2
commit: 259b1278264180a2aefc2085f1b55753849c4815
cosmos-sdk: v0.47.5
go: go1.21.4 darwin/arm64
Setup relayer config
Firstly, generate an empty config file with this command:
rly config init
Afterward, replace the content of the file at $HOME/.relayer/config/config.yaml
with the following configuration using any text editor you prefer.
api-listen-addr: :5183
timeout: 10s
memo: ""
light-cache-size: 20
type: cosmos
key-directory: /root/.relayer/keys/osmosis-testnet-1
key: default
chain-id: osmosis-testnet-1
rpc-addr: http://localhost:46657
account-prefix: osmo
keyring-backend: test
gas-adjustment: 1.5
gas-prices: 0.1uosmo
min-gas-amount: 100000
max-gas-amount: 1000000
debug: true
timeout: 20s
block-timeout: ""
output-format: json
sign-mode: direct
extra-codecs: []
coin-type: 118
signing-algorithm: ""
broadcast-mode: batch
min-loop-duration: 0s
extension-options: []
feegrants: null
type: cosmos
key-directory: /root/.relayer/keys/test
key: default
chain-id: gm
rpc-addr: http://localhost:36657
account-prefix: gm
keyring-backend: test
gas-adjustment: 1.5
gas-prices: 0.1stake
min-gas-amount: 100000
max-gas-amount: 1000000
debug: true
timeout: 20s
block-timeout: ""
output-format: json
sign-mode: direct
extra-codecs: []
coin-type: 118
signing-algorithm: ""
broadcast-mode: batch
min-loop-duration: 0s
extension-options: []
feegrants: null
paths: {}
Create relayer account
Add keys for each chain with this command
The mnemonic-words are the mnemonics you received when initializing the local node. Ensure that each wallet has tokens to start relaying.
rly keys restore osmo-local default "milk verify alley price trust come maple will suit hood clay exotic"
rly keys restore gm-local default "milk verify alley price trust come maple will suit hood clay exotic"
Create IBC channel
Create a new blank path to be used in generating a new path (connection and client) between two chains
rly paths new osmosis-testnet-1 gm osmo-gm
and then you can create channel with this command
rly transact link osmo-gm
This is a triple whammy; it creates a client, connection, and channel all in one command.
Alternatively, you may create them one by one using these commands:
rly transact clients osmo-local gm-local osmo-gm
rly transact connection osmo-gm
rly transact channel osmo-gm --src-port transfer --dst-port transfer --order unordered --version ics20-1
At the end, it should return something like this :
2024-02-15T09:22:04.062649Z info Connection handshake termination candidate {"path_name": "osmo-gm", "chain_id": "gm", "client_id": "07-tendermint-0", "termination_client_id": "07-tendermint-0", "observed_client_id": "07-tendermint-0", "termination_counterparty_client_id": "07-tendermint-0", "observed_counterparty_client_id": "07-tendermint-0"}
2024-02-15T09:22:04.062667Z info Found termination condition for connection handshake {"path_name": "osmo-gm", "chain_id": "gm", "client_id": "07-tendermint-0"}
2024-02-15T09:22:04.069040Z info Starting event processor for channel handshake {"src_chain_id": "osmosis-testnet-1", "src_port_id": "transfer", "dst_chain_id": "gm", "dst_port_id": "transfer"}
2024-02-15T09:22:04.070364Z info Chain is in sync {"chain_name": "gm-local", "chain_id": "gm"}
2024-02-15T09:22:04.070389Z info Chain is in sync {"chain_name": "osmo-local", "chain_id": "osmosis-testnet-1"}
2024-02-15T09:22:10.310493Z info Successful transaction {"provider_type": "cosmos", "chain_id": "osmosis-testnet-1", "gas_used": 165662, "fees": "24023uosmo", "fee_payer": "osmo1vvl79phavqruppr6f5zy4ypxy7znshrqm390ll", "height": 12, "msg_types": ["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient", "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenInit"], "tx_hash": "D7E7E6EC0299C120C0E32167C11F0B60921EF88CC6524345BCEB3B266EF727AA"}
2024-02-15T09:22:15.293348Z info Successful transaction {"provider_type": "cosmos", "chain_id": "gm", "gas_used": 171590, "fees": "6510stake", "fee_payer": "gm1vvl79phavqruppr6f5zy4ypxy7znshrqam48qy", "height": 61, "msg_types": ["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient", "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenTry"], "tx_hash": "DE5F15D2CEB85278FA916185A01FBA5DA604563462893288EC7A8745FB597B96"}
2024-02-15T09:22:18.300397Z info Successful transaction {"provider_type": "cosmos", "chain_id": "osmosis-testnet-1", "gas_used": 126689, "fees": "18177uosmo", "fee_payer": "osmo1vvl79phavqruppr6f5zy4ypxy7znshrqm390ll", "height": 14, "msg_types": ["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient", "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenAck"], "tx_hash": "CB1FA1D3309513FC6C8599606DEFE75164F4CAE2ABD101D78133B287862A5ACA"}
2024-02-15T09:22:19.078583Z info Successfully created new channel {"chain_name": "osmo-local", "chain_id": "osmosis-testnet-1", "channel_id": "channel-0", "connection_id": "connection-0", "port_id": "transfer"}
2024-02-15T09:22:23.296353Z info Successful transaction {"provider_type": "cosmos", "chain_id": "gm", "gas_used": 124972, "fees": "4762stake", "fee_payer": "gm1vvl79phavqruppr6f5zy4ypxy7znshrqam48qy", "height": 69, "msg_types": ["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient", "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenConfirm"], "tx_hash": "B917289EC7566B57B2D0EC759F2E703DBD652F9044362E78C05C4F6DF8FD7AC7"}
2024-02-15T09:22:24.080924Z info Successfully created new channel {"chain_name": "gm-local", "chain_id": "gm", "channel_id": "channel-0", "connection_id": "connection-0", "port_id": "transfer"}[!code focus]
2024-02-15T09:22:24.080992Z info Channel handshake termination candidate {"path_name": "osmo-gm", "chain_id": "gm", "client_id": "07-tendermint-0", "termination_port_id": "transfer", "observed_port_id": "transfer", "termination_counterparty_port_id": "transfer", "observed_counterparty_port_id": "transfer"}//[!code focus]
2024-02-15T09:22:24.080998Z info Found termination condition for channel handshake {"path_name": "osmo-gm", "chain_id": "gm", "client_id": "07-tendermint-0"}//[!code focus]
Notice your channel_id
, you need to specify it when you make the IBC transfer transaction in next step!
Start relaying packets
After completing all these steps, you can start relaying with:
rly start
IBC transfer of tokens between osmosis-testnet-1
and gm
is now possible.
Transfer token from rollup chain to osmosis-local
Make an ibc-transfer transaction. This tx will transfer 1000000stake from gm-key
to receiver address in your local-osmosis chain.
Set your keys and channel ID as variables:
gmd tx ibc-transfer transfer transfer $CHANNEL_ID $OSMO_KEY 42069stake --node tcp://localhost:36657 --chain-id gm --from gm-key --keyring-backend test --fees 5000stake
Then check the balance of the receiver address to see if the token has been relayed or not.
osmosisd query bank balances $OSMO_KEY --node tcp://localhost:46657 --chain-id osmosis-testnet-1
The balances query command should return something like this:
- amount: "42069"
denom: ibc/C053D637CCA2A2BA030E2C5EE1B28A16F71CCB0E45E8BE52766DC1B241B77878
- amount: "100000000999876914"
denom: uosmo
- amount: "100000000000000"
denom: utest
next_key: null
total: "0"
is corresponding IBC denom in osmosis-testnet for native denom stake
in GM chain. Your hash will be different than this and specific to your channel.
Transfer token back from osmosis-local to rollup chain
Set your channel hash from the last step like this:
Make an ibc-transfer transaction:
osmosisd tx ibc-transfer transfer transfer $CHANNEL_ID $GM_KEY 42069$IBC_DENOM_STRING --node tcp://localhost:46657 --chain-id osmosis-testnet-1 --from osmosis-relay --fees 500uosmo
And then check the balances of the receiver address to see if the token has been relayed or not:
gmd query bank balances $GM_KEY --node tcp://localhost:36657
The balances query command should return something like this, which is close to the original balance, minus some gas fees:
gmd query bank balances $GM_KEY --node tcp://localhost:36657
- amount: "9999999999999999999897679"
denom: stake
total: "1"